
Monday, March 4, 2013

Hey Rolo!

Confession time again. On this, the eve of my 28th birthday, I must confess that up until 2 days ago I had never had a Rolo. Yes, you read correctly. And, not only had I never had a Rolo, I was fairly certain they were disgusting and thus had no desire to try one at any foreseeable time in the future. 

So what brought the Rolo into my life? Well, work last week was particularly tense/stressful/crazy. And as much as it was all those things for me, it was even worse my manager. She is pretty much one of the nicest people that I've ever met (I chalk this up to her mid-western roots). Thus, it pained me greatly to see the toll that the week's events took on her. I'm not known for being an overly emotional or sensitive person (shocking I know). So, when people around me are upset, instead of offering a kind word or a hug, I bake for them. As I was trying to decide what exactly to bake her, it was brought to my attention that she loves Rolos. I was saddened by this news at first because I love to sample what I bake and wasn't thrilled about sampling whatever Rolo-laden delicacy I came up with. Putting my own selfish desires aside, I picked up a bag of Rolos at Target and got to work searching the interweb for the perfect Rolo themed baked good. [Side note, I caved and tried a Rolo. Turns out I love them and they are my new crack. I wish for us to never be apart].

How people baked before the interweb is beyond me. I'm old enough that I can remember life before the internet and smart phones (or even cell phones at all), but I am often in awe, especially when it comes to cooking, at what a miracle worker the interweb is. I can basically type in my cooking hopes and dreams and within seconds ideas runneth over. I ultimately went with a recipe I found in this blog post that honest to goodness could have been written by me! Seriously, a Friends reference?! Those just don't exist enough in the world any more...AND that was also my only frame of reference for Rolos before this baking experience. Apparently I'm not the only one that went an insane amount of time before discovering the Rolo?! Love it...and these cookies.

Brown Butter Rolo Toffee Chocolate Chip Cookies

  • 6 Tbsps unsalted butter
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour + a little extra if dough needs firming
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/4 cup graduated sugar
  • 1/4 cup light brown sugar, packed
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/4 cup toffee bits
  • 1/8 cup miniature chocolate chips
  • 10 Rolos, unwrapped and quartered


1. Preheat oven to 350 F and prep baking sheet 

In a medium bowl, combine flour, baking soda and salt; set aside

3. Melt butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Whisk butter constantly until foam forms and then subsides. Continue to whisk and cook until butter begins to turn a golden brown, about 3 minutes. Remove from heat and cool slightly. [This part was VERY exciting for me because I'd been wanting to try my hand at browning butter for some time...Now I can cross that off the list too!]

4. In the bowl of an electric mixer, combine and beat browned butter and sugars on medium-high until well combined

5. Beat in vanilla and egg until well combined. Gradually add flour mixture to sugar mixture at low speed, beating just until incorporated. [Mine was a little greasy and soft after this step, so I added about 1/8 cup more flour to firm it up]

6. Stir in toffee bits, chocolate chips and Rolos. Chill dough for 10-15 minutes

7. Using a tablespoon, scoop out balls of dough, place on covered cookie sheet and bake for 7-8 minutes or until edges are slightly golden. Cool on wire rack before serving

8. Wrap in decorative packaging and deliver to spread love through the bake!

*A note about the title of this post. I wasn't sure how to work this into the story for today's post, but I couldn't sign off without sharing the history behind my chosen title. [It's also possible that even with the following explanation that Sister is the only person who will get the reference]. Nonetheless, here goes. Back during my cross country road trip days (also known as my three years in law school) we would always travel through Rolla, Missouri when taking the northern route from Norman to Baltimore. During the first year Sister was my travel companion (along with my beloved Shepherd dog and her cousin Bella) and early on, I'm guessing due to some combination of sleep deprivation, boredom, and an excessive amount of caffeine and sugar, we became obsessed with Rolla, Missouri. We would call out, in a high/slightly dramatic voice "Hey Rolla" every time we traveled through it. And thus, today's title was born. TF became my travel compadre for years two and three and although I tried to get him to find the love for Rolla as well, it was never the same as passing through the town with Sister. In hunting for the first picture below I found some other fond memories from some of our trips and couldn't help but share. I think at some point I'll do a post on fabulous road trip snacks just so I can have an excuse to share more pictures. Until then...

"Hey Rolla!" [Yes, this picture was taken along the side of a major highway. We have no shame.]

Best travel puppies ever! Seriously, these two are amazing car dogs. They'd camp out on the back seat like friends and sleep the entire 1,300 mile trip with barely a peep.

Sometimes we did the trip in two days and sometimes we drove straight through. On the dreaded times when we drove straight through coffee was a must.

And lots of sugar

One of my all time favs. At only 4 months old, Bella was not afraid to take the wheel.

Sometimes we were ridiculous...I'm pretty sure the car is moving at this point. [This is why I'm not allowed drive anymore...well, one of many reasons]

And ever the dapper dresser. Shepherd loved staying in hotels the most.

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